Current Map Of Middle East Vs Biblical Map

The Middle EastThen and Now Bible mapping, Maps for kids, Middle east
The Middle EastThen and Now Bible mapping, Maps for kids, Middle east from


The Middle East is a region that has been shaped by history and tradition. The Bible is one of the oldest and most influential texts in the world, and its stories have shaped the way people view this region for thousands of years. In this article, we will explore the current map of the Middle East and compare it to the biblical map.

The Current Map of the Middle East

The current map of the Middle East is vastly different from the biblical map. The region is now divided into several countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey. These countries have their own unique cultures, languages, and religions.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East, occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula. It is home to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, which are the birthplace of Islam.


Iran is another large country in the region, with a population of over 80 million people. It is a predominantly Shia Muslim country and has a long and complex history.


Iraq is a country that has been at the center of many conflicts in the Middle East. It is home to several important historical sites, including the ancient city of Babylon and the ancient city of Ur.


Syria has a rich history and is home to several important historical sites, including the ancient city of Palmyra. The country has been devastated by civil war in recent years.


Israel is a small country in the region that is home to many important religious sites. It has a complex history, and its conflicts with its neighbors have been ongoing for decades.


Jordan is a small country that is home to several important historical sites, including the ancient city of Petra. It is also home to many refugees from neighboring countries.


Turkey is not traditionally considered part of the Middle East, but it does have a significant presence in the region. It is a predominantly Muslim country, and its history is closely tied to the Ottoman Empire.

The Biblical Map of the Middle East

The biblical map of the Middle East is much different from the current map. In the Bible, the region was divided into several kingdoms, including Israel, Judah, Assyria, and Babylon.

Israel and Judah

Israel and Judah were two of the most important kingdoms in the region. They were both founded by the Israelites and were home to many important historical figures, including King David and King Solomon.

Assyria and Babylon

Assyria and Babylon were two of the most powerful empires in the region. They both had a significant impact on the history of the Middle East and are mentioned frequently in the Bible.


The current map of the Middle East is vastly different from the biblical map. The region has been shaped by centuries of conflict, conquest, and migration. Understanding the differences between the two maps is essential for understanding the complex history of this fascinating region.

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