Google Map Api Pricing India

Google Maps Places Api Pricing Ratulangi
Google Maps Places Api Pricing Ratulangi from


If you are a business owner or a developer looking to use Google Maps API for your website or application, you might be wondering about the pricing structure. Google Maps API is a popular tool used by businesses and developers to display maps and location-based information on their websites or applications. In India, the pricing structure for Google Maps API has changed in recent years, and in this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about it.

What is Google Maps API?

Google Maps API is a set of tools and APIs provided by Google that allow developers to integrate maps and location-based information into their websites or applications. With Google Maps API, you can display maps, search for places, get directions, and more. It is widely used by businesses and developers across the world to provide location-based services to their users.

Google Maps API Pricing in India

In the past, Google Maps API pricing was based on the number of requests made by your website or application. However, in 2023, Google has introduced a new pricing model that is based on usage. This means that you will be charged based on the number of map loads, searches, and directions requests made by your users.

Usage Limits

Under the new pricing model, Google Maps API provides a free usage limit of 28,000 map loads per month. Beyond this limit, you will be charged based on the number of map loads, searches, and directions requests made by your users. The pricing for map loads is INR 6 per 1,000 map loads, while the pricing for searches and directions requests is INR 10 per 1,000 requests.

Getting Started with Google Maps API

To get started with Google Maps API, you will need to sign up for a Google Cloud Platform account. Once you have signed up, you can create a project and enable the Google Maps API for your project. You will also need to create an API key that you can use to authenticate your requests.

Best Practices for Reducing Cost

To reduce the cost of using Google Maps API, you can follow some best practices. These include optimizing your code to reduce the number of requests made, caching responses, and using client-side geocoding instead of server-side geocoding. You can also consider using alternative mapping services like OpenStreetMap or Mapbox.


Google Maps API is a powerful tool that can help you provide location-based services to your users. With the new pricing structure, you can now use Google Maps API in India with a better understanding of the costs involved. By following best practices and optimizing your code, you can also reduce the cost of using Google Maps API.

Posted in Map

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