Map Of North America States And Capitals

Labeled Map of North America with Countries in PDF
Labeled Map of North America with Countries in PDF from


North America is a continent comprising three countries – Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The continent is home to 23 countries, each with its unique culture, history, and language. North America is the world’s third-largest continent, covering an area of 24,709,000 square kilometers.

North American Countries and Capitals

The North American continent is home to 23 countries, with each having its unique capital. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, the capital of the United States is Washington, D.C., and the capital of Mexico is Mexico City. Other countries and their respective capitals include: – Antigua and Barbuda: St. John’s – Bahamas: Nassau – Barbados: Bridgetown – Belize: Belmopan – Costa Rica: San Jose – Cuba: Havana – Dominica: Roseau – Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo – El Salvador: San Salvador – Grenada: St. George’s – Guatemala: Guatemala City – Haiti: Port-au-Prince – Honduras: Tegucigalpa – Jamaica: Kingston – Nicaragua: Managua – Panama: Panama City – St. Kitts and Nevis: Basseterre – St. Lucia: Castries – St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Kingstown – Trinidad and Tobago: Port of Spain

North American States and Capitals

The United States of America is home to 50 states, each with its unique capital. The states and their respective capitals are: – Alabama: Montgomery – Alaska: Juneau – Arizona: Phoenix – Arkansas: Little Rock – California: Sacramento – Colorado: Denver – Connecticut: Hartford – Delaware: Dover – Florida: Tallahassee – Georgia: Atlanta – Hawaii: Honolulu – Idaho: Boise – Illinois: Springfield – Indiana: Indianapolis – Iowa: Des Moines – Kansas: Topeka – Kentucky: Frankfort – Louisiana: Baton Rouge – Maine: Augusta – Maryland: Annapolis – Massachusetts: Boston – Michigan: Lansing – Minnesota: St. Paul – Mississippi: Jackson – Missouri: Jefferson City – Montana: Helena – Nebraska: Lincoln – Nevada: Carson City – New Hampshire: Concord – New Jersey: Trenton – New Mexico: Santa Fe – New York: Albany – North Carolina: Raleigh – North Dakota: Bismarck – Ohio: Columbus – Oklahoma: Oklahoma City – Oregon: Salem – Pennsylvania: Harrisburg – Rhode Island: Providence – South Carolina: Columbia – South Dakota: Pierre – Tennessee: Nashville – Texas: Austin – Utah: Salt Lake City – Vermont: Montpelier – Virginia: Richmond – Washington: Olympia – West Virginia: Charleston – Wisconsin: Madison – Wyoming: Cheyenne


In conclusion, North America is the world’s third-largest continent and home to 23 countries and 50 states. Each country and state have its capital, making it essential to know the map of North America’s states and capitals. Whether you’re planning to travel to North America or want to learn more about the continent, familiarizing yourself with the map of North America’s states and capitals is a must.

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