Middle East Map Quiz

Middle East Facts for Kids
Middle East Facts for Kids from easyscienceforkids.com


Do you know the countries that make up the Middle East? Do you know their capitals and major landmarks? If not, don’t worry! Our Middle East map quiz is here to help you test your knowledge and learn more about this fascinating region.

Why Take the Quiz?

Taking the Middle East map quiz is a fun and easy way to learn about the countries, capitals, and landmarks of the Middle East. Whether you’re a student studying geography or a traveler planning a trip to the region, this quiz will help you improve your knowledge and understanding of the Middle East.

How to Take the Quiz

The quiz consists of multiple-choice questions that ask you to identify countries, capitals, and landmarks on a map of the Middle East. You’ll have a limited amount of time to answer each question, so be sure to read the instructions carefully and think quickly.

Sample Questions

Here are some sample questions from the Middle East map quiz:

1. What is the capital of Iran?

a. Tehran

b. Baghdad

c. Riyadh

d. Jerusalem

2. Which country is located on the Arabian Peninsula?

a. Turkey

b. Yemen

c. Iran

d. Egypt

3. What is the name of the river that flows through Iraq?

a. Nile

b. Euphrates

c. Tigris

d. Jordan


At the end of the quiz, you’ll receive a score based on the number of questions you answered correctly. You can then review your answers to see which questions you got right and which ones you missed.


Taking the Middle East map quiz is a great way to learn more about the countries, capitals, and landmarks of this fascinating region. So why not give it a try and see how much you know about the Middle East?

Posted in Map

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