Middle East Map World War 1

How the Middle East Was Affected by World War I Owlcation
How the Middle East Was Affected by World War I Owlcation from owlcation.com

The Importance of the Middle East in World War 1

World War 1 was fought between 1914 and 1918, and it was one of the largest wars in history. The war was fought between two major alliances – the Allied Powers, which included France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, and the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. The Middle East played a crucial role in the war because of its strategic location and resources.

The Role of Maps in World War 1

Maps were an essential tool for both sides during World War 1. They were used to plan military strategies and to navigate the terrain. The Middle East was a particularly challenging region to map because of its vast size and varied terrain.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement

In 1916, the Sykes-Picot Agreement was signed between the United Kingdom and France. The agreement divided the Middle East into spheres of influence for the two countries. The agreement was a significant factor in shaping the modern Middle East and led to the creation of new states such as Iraq and Syria.

The Balfour Declaration

In 1917, the Balfour Declaration was issued by the British government. The declaration stated that the British government supported the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The declaration had far-reaching consequences and is still a contentious issue in the region today.

The Middle East Map During World War 1

The Middle East map during World War 1 was vastly different from the modern map we know today. The Ottoman Empire controlled most of the region, including parts of modern-day Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

The Allied Powers, led by the British, launched a campaign to take control of the region. The campaign was successful, and by the end of the war, the Ottoman Empire had been dismantled, and new states had been created.

The Partition of the Ottoman Empire

The partition of the Ottoman Empire was a complex process that took place over several years. The Allied Powers divided the empire into several new states, including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. The process was not without controversy, and many people in the region were unhappy with the new borders and the way they had been drawn.

The Legacy of World War 1 in the Middle East

The legacy of World War 1 in the Middle East is still felt today. The borders that were drawn during the war have had a lasting impact on the region, and many of the conflicts that we see today can be traced back to decisions made during this period.

The Middle East map during World War 1 was a crucial factor in shaping the region as we know it today. The war changed the political landscape of the region, and its effects are still felt almost a century later.


The Middle East map during World War 1 is a fascinating and complex topic. It is a reminder of the importance of maps in historical events and the role they play in shaping the world we live in. Understanding the events of the past can help us better understand the present and make informed decisions about the future.

Posted in Map

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