North Carolina Vrs Network

Trimble buys MidStates VRS, increases VRS Now GNSS corrections footprint
Trimble buys MidStates VRS, increases VRS Now GNSS corrections footprint from

The State of North Carolina’s Connectivity Issue

North Carolina is a state that is facing a connectivity issue. Despite being one of the fastest-growing states in the US, it still has a long way to go when it comes to providing internet access to its residents. According to a report by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), around 20% of North Carolina residents, which is approximately 2 million people, do not have access to broadband internet.

This lack of connectivity is affecting the state’s economy and education system. Many businesses are unable to function properly due to slow internet speeds. Students in rural areas are also struggling to keep up with their studies due to limited access to online resources.

The Role of Network Providers in North Carolina

Network providers play a crucial role in providing internet access to residents. In North Carolina, there are several providers, including AT&T, Spectrum, and Verizon. However, these providers are not able to provide internet access to everyone in the state.

The issue lies with the fact that many areas in North Carolina are rural and remote, making it difficult and expensive for providers to lay down infrastructure. This has resulted in many areas being left without access to high-speed internet.

The Battle for Better Connectivity

The state government of North Carolina has taken several steps to address the connectivity issue. In 2021, the state passed the Broadband Expansion Act of 2021, which aims to provide high-speed internet access to all residents by 2028.

However, this is easier said than done. The cost of laying down infrastructure in rural areas is high, and many providers are not willing to invest in these areas due to the low return on investment.

The Way Forward

One solution to this issue is to encourage more competition between network providers. This can be done by lowering the barriers to entry for new providers, which will increase competition and drive down prices. It will also encourage existing providers to improve their services to remain competitive.

The state government can also provide incentives for providers to invest in rural areas. This can be done through tax breaks or subsidies, which will make it more attractive for providers to lay down infrastructure in these areas.

The Benefits of Better Connectivity

If North Carolina is able to provide high-speed internet access to all residents, it will have several benefits. Businesses will be able to function more efficiently, which will boost the state’s economy. Students will also have access to online resources, which will improve their education.

Furthermore, better connectivity will also improve the quality of life for residents. They will be able to access telemedicine services, which will make it easier to receive medical care. They will also be able to work from home, which will save them time and money on commuting.


In conclusion, the connectivity issue in North Carolina is a major problem that needs to be addressed. While the state government has taken steps to improve the situation, more needs to be done. Encouraging more competition between network providers and providing incentives for providers to invest in rural areas are just some of the solutions that can be implemented. Ultimately, better connectivity will benefit everyone in the state and improve the overall quality of life.

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